Monday, April 19, 2010

Discovery or Learning Opportunity?

I had a 3-day weekend this past weekend and it was okay though I discovered a couple very important things.

The first occurred on Friday when I didn't keep track of my food intake - OMG!  I almost completely passed out and had to suck down an Adkins Advantage protein shake - damn it worked really freaking fast! The rest of the weekend I had to make sure I ate a small snack or ate a regular meal, every few hours.

2nd discovery?  I can actually make chocolate chip cookies and NOT lick the beaters, spatula or leftover dough on the spoon; or sneak a few in my bra, hide in the closet, eat them all and then quickly eat an onion to hide the scent of cookies on my breath; or lick the crums off my man's face.  It is possible!! Can you believe it? 

I also made mashed potatoes to go with the beef brisket my man grilled and I was quite content with just the beef and steamed green beans. Yummmmmmm!  I stole ALL the leftover brisket and made myself a wrap for lunch today. Mwahahahahahahahaha! No brisket for you my man and child! It's mine, all mine! Mwahahahahaha!

Other than discovering I'm PMSing for the 2nd month in a row (very weird), which causes the usual breast soreness and the unusual (though usual for me) narcolepsy, it was a rather normal weekend.

Exercise: not a darn thing though I think taping and painting the guest room should count, thank you very much.

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