Thursday, April 8, 2010

Step One, Day One - Monday

I must admit, I was a little trepidacious about starting this diet especially since the day before was Easter and I was determined to eat anything and everything I wouldn't be allowed to eat over the next 8 weeks. Oh yeah!  I ate mashed potatoes, cake with icing, ice cream, a chocolate bunny, and somewhere in there I found the time to eat Jolly Rancher fruit smoothie jelly beans.

But please! It's not like I ate all that in one sitting.  I was up at 7 AM that day and didn't go to bed till around 10:30 or 11.  As if I would eat all that at once. GAG!  I would be vomiting all over the place, like I almost did after eating the cake my mom brought over for dessert.  OMG!  It was so full of sugar I thought I'd slip into an overdose coma.

Monday morning dawned at 6 AM and I started to get ready after letting the dogs out for their morning constitutional and grabbing the proverbial cup of coffee to assist in waking me up.  Thankfully on this eating plan I can still add a little of my sugar-free flavored creamer, giving me an extra thing to smile about.

My meals were good for the day.  I didn't feel overly hungry or dying of starvation and I made sure to drink the 64 oz. minimum water requirement.  I received an award that day.  Not only did I drink all that freaking water but I am now the Peeing Queen of the 8th floor.  Ugh!  I thought if I had to pee one more time I was going to scream.

Day One actually went well and I didn't feel like killing anyone.  Oh and I thought I'd mention that it was also day one of quitting smoke.  Yeah - you read that right. My man and I quit for 9 weeks and then went to Mexico on vacation, totally bombing on the no-smoking, and decided we needed to quit again for gosh sakes.  Am I crazy for attempting both at the same time?  Probably but then I was pretty much in that mental start before all this.

Day One Exercise: 30 laps at the pool
Day One Meals:
Breakfast: sauteed mushrooms and onions, egg beaters,  covered with cheese.
Mid-morning snack: string cheese and almonds
Lunch: turkey wrap using a low carb tortilla (4 net carbs! hot damn!), light whipped cream cheese (I like my cream cheese to be submissive), lettuce and a teeny bit of Grey Poupon
Afternoon snack - celery with natural, fresh ground peanut butter
Dinner: Leftover ham and steamed asparagus
Dessert: Carb Master yogurt (only 3 net carbs)

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